Ephesians 6:18-24 Exhorting and encouraging

As Paul draws his letter to a close, he is still thinking of the spread of the gospel and of the welfare of the church.  Even though he is in prison for his faith, there is no trace of self-pity.  Even in prison he wants to be a good witness for his Saviour, and so sets an example to all of God’s people.  We consider now Ephesians 6:18-24 Exhorting and encouraging.

1. Constant prayer (v18)

Prayer is really a further part of the armour provided by the Lord for our spiritual battle.  The other parts of the armour are useless unless used in conjunction with a healthy prayer life.  Paul gives a strong exhortation to the Ephesians to pray.  Having listened to God’s Word, we are now to pray.  Note ‘all kinds’ – prayer is never inappropriate.  Every need can be brought to God.  We are to pray ‘on all occasions’ – a constant spirit of prayerfulness.  Prayer is to be ‘in the Spirit’ – with his help and guidance, as he makes intercession for us (Romans 8:26).  Effort is required – ‘be alert and always keep on praying’.  There needs to be perseverance in prayer (Luke 18:1) as the enemy will encourage laziness and carelessness.  Note we are to pray ‘for all the saints’ – a broad concern for the work of the Kingdom.

2. Courageous witness (v19-20)

Paul has no doubt about his own need for prayer.  He has no sense of self-sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5).  He knows he depends on the Lord and so he needs the prayers of God’s people.  We all stand in such need.  His specific request is that ‘words may be given me’.  He needs wisdom to communicate faithfully ‘the mystery of the gospel’.  Paul twice refers to the need to witness ‘fearlessly’ – a reminder that he too was human and had times of fear.  As an ‘ambassador’ each Christian comes with God’s commission, and we must not be frightened into silence by the world.  We need the Lord’s grace to witness fearlessly.

3. Comforting news (v21-22)

Our prayers are to be informed and intelligent, and so we require accurate information to guide our praying.  The Ephesians will receive this from Tychicus.  He is a trusted messenger – ‘a dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord’ – who will be able to give an accurate picture of Paul’s circumstances.  The Ephesians are concerned for Paul and the aim of Tychicus’ report is ‘that he may encourage you’.  This will stimulate continued interest and prayer.  Here is a challenge to us to be informed about the needs and challenges of the church.

4. Concluding benediction (v23-24)

Paul’s final prayer for the Ephesians deals with the spiritual blessings he seeks for them.  First ‘Peace to the brothers’ – flowing from peace with God through the Saviour.  Also ‘love with faith’ – love that keeps faith with others, flowing from Father and Son.  This love marks out true disciples – John 13:35. Paul ends with a benediction ‘Grace to all those who love our Lord Jesus with an undying love’.  Even that love is a gift of God’s grace.  We need a daily experience of grace to live as God’s people and to win the victory in the spiritual battle.

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