Philemon 22-25 The fellowship of service

We often think of great missionaries and preachers as uniquely gifted individuals, for example William Carey or Hudson Taylor.  That is an idea that can be encouraged by modern celebrity culture.  Some of those famous Christians perhaps did function in an individualistic way, but most have been part of a team.  We see this clearly with regard to the apostle Paul.  We consider Philemon 22-25 The fellowship of service.

1. Praying

Paul makes a further request: he is planning to visit Philemon, so ‘Prepare a guest room for me’.  Hospitality was very important in the Christian church, especially since inns could be unpleasant or even dangerous.  Evidently Philemon was well off since he could accommodate a congregation and provide at least one guest room.  Paul was in prison, so he says, ‘I hope to be restored to you’ – there can be no certainty about his future.  However, ‘be restored’ shows his trust in God’s sovereign providence in all aspects of his life.  All believers should think in the same way – see James 4:15.  Note also the importance of believers’ prayers – belief in providence does not remove the need for prayer.  We pray because God is sovereign, and prayers are written into his sovereign decrees.  We need to pray and be prayed for.

2. Serving

As Paul concludes his letter, he passes on greetings from a number of others who were part of his gospel ministry.  They are his ‘fellow workers’ (v23-24).  These are additional to Tychicus and Onesimus who bring this letter and also the one to the Colossians (Colossians 4:7,9).

            (i). Epaphras.  He is a ‘fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus’ – probably not literally, but he ministered to Paul in prison.  Note Colossians 4:12 ‘He is always wrestling in prayer for you’ – a glowing testimonial to the planter of churches in Colosse, Laodicea, and Hierapolis.

            (ii). Mark.  He is the cousin of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10), who failed at Perga (Acts 13:13), yet by grace was restored and became helpful to Paul in ministry (2 Timothy 4:11).

            (iii). Aristarchus.  Also ‘my fellow prisoner’ (Colossians 4:10) – another courageous brother who stood by Paul in his time of need.  This is practical fellowship – Matthew 25:36.

            (iv). Demas. Sadly, Demas later ‘loved this world’ and forsook Paul (2 Timothy 4:10).  Perseverance is the only real proof of the genuineness of faith.

            (v). Luke.  He is ‘our dear friend’ (Colossians 4:14.  He often accompanied Paul and stayed with him in his final imprisonment (2 Timothy 4:11).  He was a faithful brother.

3. Blessing

Paul concludes with a suitable benediction.  As an apostle he is the channel of God’s blessing.  The focus is on grace, which believers need daily (2 Corinthians 12:9).  Paul addresses the whole congregation who will hear the letter read out.  They are one in the Lord.

Philemon 15-21 Brothers in the Lord

True conversion inevitably brings about great changes.  Chiefly it brings into existence a new relationship to God which will last for ever.  It also changes every relationship in life, introducing us to the new family of God’s people.  When the convert is a slave like Onesimus, there are many questions to be answered.  We consider Philemon 15-21 Brothers in the Lord.

1. Divine providence

Paul begins to focus on the case of Onesimus, one of the bearers of this letter and the one to the Colossians (Colossians 4:9).  Our knowledge of him comes entirely from this letter and is fragmented.  It seems he had absconded from Philemon’s household and, having met Pual in Rome, he came to faith as a result of Paul’s ministry (v10).  Paul interprets these events in the context of divine providence – he is in no doubt that this is the Lord’s doing in pursuit of his purpose.  Note ‘he was separated from you’ (v15) – though in one sense Onesimus separated himself when he ran away, God’s hand was moving events, working out his sovereign purpose.  Through the freely-made decisions of people, the Lord fulfils his sovereign plan precisely.  Nothing is really ‘accidental’.  Paul is fairly sure he can discern what the Lord is doing – ‘that you might have him back for good’ (v15).  The Bible teaches that the providence of God governs all things – Romans 8:28. That is a great comfort to us.  In particular, every conversion is a demonstration of providence.  Though we may not discern his goals, we can praise him.

2. Heartfelt appeal

Paul has laid the spiritual foundations for the request he will make of Philemon.  By grace Onesimus is ‘better than a slave…a dear brother’ (v16).  He could take Philemon’s place helping Paul (v13).  Here is a new relationship (v16).  How could Philemon refuse any request Paul now makes?  Paul puts on more ‘pressure’ – ‘if you consider me a partner’ (v17), a partner in gospel work.  Only now does he make the request: ‘welcome him as you would welcome me’ (v18) – the practical outworking of the bonds of love binding them all.  Paul continues putting his case in v18.  If Onesimus has stolen anything, Paul will make it good.  Then his master stroke: ‘not to mention that you owe me your very self’ (v19).  It seems that Philemon had been converted through Paul’s ministry.  Given the debt that he owes to Paul (under God), how could he refuse to receive and forgive Onesimus?  We see here a deep spiritual bond resulting in very practical loving action.

3. Spiritual refreshment

Paul regards the action he expects Philemon to take as a source of blessing.  ‘I do wish, brother, that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord’ (v20).  All involved will be blessed.  ‘Benefit’ is a pun on the name ‘Onesimus’.  Note ‘in the Lord’ – it is his grace that enables a response.  Paul exhorts Philemon ‘refresh my heart in Christ’ (v20) – such action would be characteristic of Philemon, who has ‘refreshed the hearts of the saints’ (v7).  Paul is confident of Philemon’s obedience – a hint of apostolic authority.  Above all he knows that a man like Philemon will give gospel-obedience.  Others should be able to expect the same of us.  Does ‘do even more’ suggest that Paul hopes or expects that Philemon will free Onesimus?  That is certainly possible, but by no means inevitable.