Ephesians 1:11-14 An inheritance guaranteed

To hear that you are going to receive an inheritance is exciting, especially if you know that it will mean a substantial payment.  For some people receiving an inheritance has been life-changing.  Paul tells his readers that, as God’s people, they are going to receive the greatest possible inheritance.  Consider Ephesians 1:11-14 An inheritance guaranteed.

1. The inheritance secured

The present spiritual blessings that we enjoy in Christ are not all that the Lord has for us.  Paul now writes about the future aspect of salvation, which we will receive at the consummation.  Note v11 ‘In him also we have received an inheritance’ (ESV).  The focus is still on the work of Christ – by his death and resurrection the inheritance is secured.  Not only has the death of Christ secured cleansing from sin – it has secured eternal glory for the redeemed.  The Father ‘has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light’ (Colossians 1:12).  The reception of our inheritance will mark the completion of salvation.

2. The heirs provided

The two sides of salvation are spelled out:

            (i).  God’s predestination.  There is a strong stress in v11 on the sovereignty of God in providing those who will receive salvation.

            (ii).  The sinner’s response.  This maintains the biblical balance.  Our response results from the sovereign work of God, but is essential.  It is our duty when we hear the gospel.  Paul uses two terms in v12-13 – ‘hope…believed’.  This is a wholehearted commitment to the Christ proclaimed in ‘the word of truth’.  The biblical concept of ‘hope’ (v12) is one of certainty because of the trustworthiness of its object, Christ himself.  It looks to the future, to the reception of the inheritance.

3. The seal applied

This is an element in the vital ministry of the Holy Spirit: ‘Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit’ (v13).  Every believer is sealed at conversion.  The significance of the seal includes:

            (i).  A mark of ownership.  The Spirit’s presence shows we belong to Christ (Romans 8:9).  He sets us apart as a holy people.  He marks us as heirs.

            (ii).  A mark of genuineness.  The Spirit’s presence is proof that the grace of God is at work in us.  He produces Christ-like character.  He enables us to have assurance of salvation and he is the ‘deposit’ (v14, ‘the down payment’) ‘guaranteeing what is to come’.

4. The purchase redeemed

All of this points to the consummation of God’s plan, when we will receive our full inheritance, ‘until the redemption of the purchased possession’ (v14).  The inheritance entails the enjoyment of the new creation in fellowship with God (Revelation 21:3).  The inheritance secured by Christ is indestructible (1 Peter 1:4-5), the work of a sovereign God (v11).

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