
You are Very Welcome!

Shaftesbury Sq. RPC is placed on the very busy Dublin road, close to the Centre of the City Belfast. We have been here for over 100 years, but we are not done yet. You are very welcome to come to one of our events or to contact us. Our service times are:

  • Morning Service: Sunday 11:30 am
  • Evening Service: Sunday 7:00 pm
  • English Class : Friday 7:00pm – 9:00pm
welcome image of our pulpit

There are wheelchair accessible ramps and automatic doors. A disabled WC is also in the lobby for easy access.

We have a coffee bar for after the service so that you can chat with other members of the church and find out more about us. We also have a crèche behind the congregation, were parents and children can go if they are restless.

All events are open to the public and whether you are a Christian or not, you are free to join us. You can contact us if you have any questions or would like more information and we would love to get back to you.

English Class

Trying to Improve your English?

Would you like to improve your English speaking? Would you like to learn new words and grammar? Would you like to meet new friends? We are a group of locals and English-speaking internationals that would like to help you to learn how to communicate better in English. This takes the form of some Friday night classes that you can take part in.

english class logo

There are two classes a beginner and an advanced class. This allows you to start at whatever your level of English is. We hope that you would find these free classes helpful and that you will be able. If you are at college or are a recent resident of the UK, then this can aid your learning informal classes at college.

        you can also join our Facebook group to see more about what we do and get updates. go to “facebook.com/ShaftesburySquareEnglishClass “


        Galatians 5:19-26 Keep in step with the Spirit

        Christians can often fail to realise that salvation in Christ brings about a revolution with life-changing and lifelong consequences.  Conversion is the necessary starting point, but it must be followed by transformation of every aspect of life.  Too often the lives of Christians seem to be little different from those of others.  When we are …

        Church Life

        english class logo
        Shaftesbury fellowship logo

        prayer meeting logo
        Women's fellowship logo


        Who we are

        Find out more about our congregation and who is hear

        Find out more about where we are and how to get here

        find out what we believe.